Purpose: The purpose of the study was to the common secondary complications among stroke patients at CRP. Objectives: To explore the socio-demography information and disease condition related information, musculoskeletal related information, neurological related, cardiovascular related and others information. Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted with a semi structural questionnaire to collect information from stroke patients. Fifty-one subjects were selected through convenience sampling technique from the neurology unit of CRP. Data was numerically coded and captured in Microsoft excel, using an SPSS 16.0 version software program. Results: This study was found that male participants about 70.6% and 29.6% were female. Males were more affected than female. The most vulnerable age range is 50 to 60 years. Most of the stroke patients were less educated about 39.4% cannot read and write. The people, who were not educated and were not aware of the risks for stroke, were more affected. 55% were in rural and 45% were in urban affected. There were chance to stroke patients who live in rural than the people who live in urban. About 51 participant were involved as sample in this study. Among them 11.8%were day labor, 7.8% werefarmer15.3% were house wives, 17.6% were businessman, 11.8% were service, 5.9% were electrician, 15.7% were abroad .In this study found that businessman and abroad are the most vulnerable group to prone in stroke. In the variety of complications 65% had pressure sore, 31% were affected from UTI, spastic tone 78% were present, muscle atrophy were in 57%, and 65% were affected from autonomic dysreflexion shoulder subluxation were 72.5% and shoulder hand syndrome were 55% .Conclusion: Pressure sore, urinary tract infection, spastic tone, muscle atrophy and autonomic dysreflexia shoulder subluxation and shoulder hand syndrome, are most common complications of stroke patients in Bangladesh. The victims are mostly young older. So it is necessary to raise awareness and take steps to reduce the risk of developing complications.