Duncan EAS, Munro K, Nicol MM

Research priorities in forensic occupational therapy - 55-64

Journal article print occupational therapy, research, questionnaires, surveys, outcome

The present paper discusses a questionnaire survey conducted to determine the research priorities of occupational therapists working in forensic medicine. The survey also focused on examining outcome measures and exploring the use of protocol-driven group work. The research priorities that were clearly defined include : a. development of appropriate outcome measures, b. development of rigorous and effective group-work programs and c. development of effective risk assessment tools. For determining these, the nominal group technique was used. The approaches used to implement them however were either based on a protocol, or customized to the needs of the individual setting. The methodological weaknesses have been identified. The conclusion of the paper is the emphasis on the provision of evidence-based practice. = The British Journal of Occupational Therapy

Last Updated April 2017
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